Mangroves “the wonder tree” can store four times more carbon than a rainforest, but globally more than 35% have already been deforested.
Climate Impact Partners, a merger of Natural Capital Partners and ClimateCare, created the Million Mangroves program to showcase companies' commitment to climate action today and deliver immediate results by financing one of the highest impact climate and blue carbon solutions available.
In countries like Kenya, we are working with local project partners to restore mangroves in vulnerable coastal areas.
Learn more about the projects
Mangroves are a high-impact, carbon-dense, natural climate solution that also provide important protection in coastal areas, enable fish and water species to thrive and create valuable timber products which are resistant to rot and insects.
Learn more about Miracle Mangroves
"The restoration of the local mangroves is a natural evolution of our work to maintain a thriving ecosystem for the wildlife and communities that live around the Rimba Raya reserve."
Local community groups in Kenya work along the Mtwapa Creek on the southern coast to restore critical mangrove forests and reduce their deforestation.
Arbor Day?
"This is such a powerful blue carbon solution which we can deliver right now - using the power of mangroves to store carbon, protect our climate, and conserve the coastal ecosystem in Mexico."